Now at: PetChildo
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10 Most Amazing WildLife Animal Wallpapers and more 40
Check more FOURTY at HongKiat!
Here's the link.
Marcadores: Pictures
Wanna go to the vet for free?
Here's a great Veterinarian blog with a lot of tips and explanations of behaviours that dog and cats have.
Marcadores: Tips
The camera-man can't stand this cute dog
He laughs. What a cute shaking there.
I love different animal behavious, they're just like us with personality and manias.
Penguim wearing clothes
Because of the danger of sun exposure, penguim Ralph that went bald won a new suit!
He was looked up and protected for three weeks, and now he's swimming all happy again.
Check out more here:
Marcadores: Cute, Feel Good, Happy News, Pictures
Looking for a pet?
Petfinder has the right pet for you.
Please don't adopt puppies and kittens, but if you really do love animals just take one that it's sad, hungry or even worse: about to die.
If every single family in this world adopted one, there would be no animal on the streets.
Go to:
Here's a very cute little budy willing for some confort and a home. As well a mom and daddy:
Check out more her:
Here's another great place to find a new son or daughter:Click in the image to go.
How's your pet doing lately?
Marcadores: Animal Rights, Campaign
For Cat lovers
A very cute cat...that talks!
Above, someone that just loooove massages:
Marcadores: Cute, Entertainment, Feel Good, Funny, Videos