A member of the gang: Pearl

Good night, how are you?

Today let's talk about Pearl, my dog that came from a Pet Shop while she served for 8 years only to give birth so they could sale puppies.

She's been my daughter for 8 months now and I'm happier just because she exists.

Adopting is acora1.gifgreatcora1.gif thing to do. I had a dog that came to me since she was born but those who already suffered really be thankfull for what we did and they're different.

There's no need to go all the trouble to buy one, specially because those who are in the Pet Shops suffers to leave their moms, the travel to the store, being locked up in those small plastic boxes...

This is her a while ago, with a new dress!

Nowadays we can see confidence in her eyes, in the beginning she was so afraid when I was going to touch her. Now she walks all over our bed making her self home, but that's actually her bed too :D

Here's something you can take with you. It can be published in your blog, send out to friends at MySpace, Friendster, E-mails, Orkut or your profile pic!

Right click to copy

If you want a pet's kids picture mix, send his picture to us and it will be done soon!

1 Animal Lovers:

Vanuza Pantaleão said...

Ainda bem que a linguagem de quem ama os animais é universal, mas o meu Inglês para consumo diário ainda dá conta do recado.
Lindo, lindo seu blog!
Grata pela presença!!!Bjsss