The gang here at home

Meet the other members of the gang:
Dinho boy & Mimi girl, he's the giant one, she's the small and delicate one.

Dinho was the one I wanted to adopt. He was really sick and his ears were burned. It was the summer of 2008 and I knew he wouldn't live until pass the winter.
He came in here thin and insecure, and now he's a little fat and very confident.
His ears will never heal, but there is a medicine to babie's butt that I put and it got better.

Mimi is the one my fiance saw on the streets really late one night.
She had gave up of her life and layed down on the corner of a very dangerous street. He almost hit her with the car, and couldn't believe she was a living being.
She's afraid of us until now, we can't touch her for long or she's scratch our hands, but by the time he took her home, she was weak and didn't fight. Well, not at all cause we're talking about Mimi and of course she run once and we almost lost her in the first night, but my fiance went to a very dangerous kind of lake and grabed her again. I believe she got her strenght back while she was in the car coming here and used it all to try to run, cause after we catch her she just stayed still in a box.
She was locked up in this cage for about 3 days cause everytime I opened she tryed to pull my hands out, lol.
Now she meows at us, let us touch her a little bit and sometimes, chases us.
She's the youngest and we laugh a lot with her voice, wich is soooo, so cute!

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